Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Moving with the times
I heard a recent conversation where two Christians were discussing whether or not it is right to entertain kids at church. One person said, "I don't want to do this. I think the Bible and Jesus is enough". I've given this some thought and have concluded several things. First, Church is about teaching people the Word of God, not entertaining them. But, shame on us if we continue to do so in a dated fashion. Every generation has had their primary way of communicating. At one time in history it was oral. At another time it was written. In our day computers seem to have replaced even the phone! I think the best teaching can be a bit entertaining, and certainly not boring. There are ways to teach other than standing at podiums and lecturing. I think what we resist is making the church a "dog and pony" show. I agree! I also believe the "dog and pony" can be used for some real creative ways to teach. Just a thought?